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Shadow Program 1 Year

Minor Oral Surgery Work Shop

Clinical Pedodontic Course

Advanced Endodontic Course

Basic Implantalogy For Beginners

Immediate Functional Loading Implantology Extended Work Shop

Shadow Program 1 Year

Minor Oral Surgery Work Shop

Clinical Pedodontic Course

Advanced Endodontic Course

Basic Implantalogy For Beginners

Immediate Functional Loading Implantology Extended Work Shop

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Shadow Program 1 Year

1. Comprehensive Training: Offering a comprehensive workshop covering various aspects of basal implantology, including both theoretical and practical components. 2. Hands-on Experience: Providing dentists with hands-on experience in assisting with three different cases, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting. 3. Full Mouth Rehabilitation Case: Offering a unique opportunity to observe and participate in a full mouth rehabilitation case, providing a deeper understanding of complex dental procedures. 4. Expert Guidance: Access to expert guidance and mentorship from seasoned professionals in the field of basal implantology, ensuring a valuable learning experience. 5. Interactive Learning: Interactive sessions designed to encourage active participation and foster a dynamic learning environment for all participants. 6. Real-life Case Studies: Exposing participants to various real-life trauma cases, minor surgical cases, and endodontic cases encountered in everyday practice, enriching their understanding of diverse dental scenarios. 7. Innovative Techniques: Introducing innovative and advanced techniques in basal implantology, equipping dentists with the latest tools and methodologies in the field. 8. Networking Opportunities: Offering ample networking opportunities with peers and industry experts, fostering connections and potential collaborations within the dental community. 9. Practical Skills Development: Focusing on honing practical skills essential for successful implantology practice, ensuring participants are well-prepared for real-world challenges. 10. Certificate of Participation: Providing participants with a certificate of participation, recognizing their active engagement and successful completion of the workshop. In-depth 11. Discussions: Facilitating in-depth discussions on challenging cases, encouraging participants to analyze and propose effective treatment plans for various dental complexities. 12. Clinical Insights: Sharing valuable clinical insights and best practices from experienced practitioners, enabling participants to gain a comprehensive understanding of patient management and treatment strategies. 13. Exposure to Cutting-edge Technology: Offering exposure to cutting-edge dental technology used in implantology procedures, allowing participants to stay updated with the latest advancements in the field. 14. Q&A Sessions: Hosting interactive question and answer sessions with experts, providing participants with the opportunity to clarify doubts and seek guidance on specific clinical scenarios. 15. Holistic Learning Experience: Ensuring a holistic learning experience that encompasses both theoretical knowledge and practical application, empowering dentists to enhance their overall proficiency in basal implantology.
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Minor Oral Surgery Work Shop

The minor oral surgical procedures workshop provided a comprehensive overview of various techniques and practices involved in common oral surgeries. Attendees were introduced to the fundamental principles of aseptic techniques and patient management during these procedures. Hands-on sessions focused on incision techniques, tissue handling, and suture placement, emphasizing the importance of precision and delicate handling in oral surgery. Participants had the opportunity to practice basic surgical skills under the guidance of experienced mentors, fostering a conducive environment for skill development and confidence building. The workshop also highlighted the latest advancements in minimally invasive oral surgery and the integration of digital technologies for enhanced treatment planning and execution. Case studies were presented to illustrate the application of these techniques in real-world scenarios, enabling attendees to gain practical insights into managing various surgical challenges. Attendees left the workshop equipped with a comprehensive understanding of minor oral surgical procedures and a heightened sense of proficiency in handling such cases in their clinical practice.
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Clinical Pedodontic Course

Overview of Pediatric Dentistry: Delve into the unique aspects of pediatric dentistry, emphasizing the importance of early dental care and prevention to ensure the oral health of children. Growth and Development: Explore the chronological and physiological development of the oral cavity in children, including eruption patterns, dental arch growth, and the impact of growth on dental treatment planning. Behavior Management Techniques: Discuss various behavior management strategies for dealing with anxious or uncooperative pediatric patients, focusing on effective communication, positive reinforcement, and distraction techniques. Preventive Dentistry: Highlight the significance of preventive measures such as dental prophylaxis, fluoride therapy, and pit and fissure sealants in averting dental caries and other oral health issues in children. Pediatric Restorative Dentistry: Cover the fundamentals of restorative procedures specific to pediatric patients, including the use of aesthetic restorative materials and the management of dental trauma. Pulp Therapy in Primary Teeth: Explain the different approaches to pulp therapy in primary teeth, including pulpotomy and pulpectomy, with an emphasis on maintaining the integrity of the primary dentition for proper arch development. Management of Early Childhood Caries: Discuss the etiology, prevention, and treatment modalities for early childhood caries, highlighting the role of dietary counseling, fluoride therapy, and minimally invasive techniques. Space Maintenance: Educate students about the importance of early recognition and management of space maintenance in pediatric patients, emphasizing the preservation of space for permanent teeth eruption and prevention of malocclusion. Special Care Dentistry: Introduce the concept of special care dentistry in pediatric patients with special healthcare needs, addressing the challenges and considerations for managing patients with intellectual or physical disabilities. Interdisciplinary Approach: Emphasize the significance of interdisciplinary collaboration with other healthcare professionals, such as pediatricians and orthodontists, to ensure comprehensive and holistic care for pediatric patients. Dental Trauma Management: Provide an in-depth understanding of the various types of dental trauma commonly seen in children, focusing on immediate management, long-term treatment options, and the importance of follow-up care.Oral Health Promotion and Education: Stress the role of pediatric dentists in promoting oral health awareness among children and caregivers, emphasizing the significance of early education in establishing lifelong oral hygiene habits. Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Dentistry: Discuss the ethical dilemmas and considerations specific to treating pediatric patients, including informed consent, parental involvement, and maintaining patient confidentiality. Radiographic Interpretation in Pediatric Dentistry: Familiarize students with the unique radiographic challenges and considerations in pediatric patients, focusing on techniques for obtaining high-quality images while minimizing radiation exposure. Emerging Technologies in Pediatric Dentistry: Introduce students to the latest advancements in pediatric dental technology, including laser therapy, digital radiography, and minimally invasive treatment modalities, and their implications for improving patient outcomes and experiences.
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Advanced Endodontic Course

Precision Root Canal Therapies: Elevate your practice by mastering advanced techniques for precise, successful root canal treatments.Microscope-Aided Endodontics: Unlock a microscopic world for enhanced precision, ensuring every root canal procedure is a success. Revolutionizing Pulp Regeneration: Learn the art of regenerative endodontics to restore and preserve pulp vitality effectively. Surgical Expertise for Complex Cases: Equip yourself to tackle intricate cases with advanced surgical strategies, offering patients lasting relief. Pain-Free Endodontic Solutions: Implement state-of-the-art pain management techniques and technologies for a comfortable patient experience. Rescuing Traumatic Dental Injuries: Acquire the skills to save teeth and restore their function after accidents or injuries. Bioceramics for Seal of Excellence: Harness the sealing and biocompatibility advantages of bioceramic materials in your endodontic practice. Imaging Precision for Complex Cases: Utilize cutting-edge imaging and 3D technology to ensure the most accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. Revisiting Failed Treatments: Learn how to confidently re-treat cases with failed root canals and persistent infections, delivering solutions where others may have struggled. Surgery with Surgical Healing: Master advanced microsurgery techniques and accelerated healing methods for predictable outcomes. Seamless Restoration Integration: Understand the importance of integrating endodontics with restorative treatments for comprehensive dental health. Managing Dental Challenges: Explore approaches for addressing endodontic and periodontal issues, optimizing patient care through collaboration. Endodontics Across All Ages: Adapt your practice to serve pediatric, geriatric, and medically compromised patients with tailored treatment approaches. Ethical & Efficient Practice: Gain insights into ethical practice management, ensuring you run a successful and principled endodontic clinic. Innovations Guided by Research: Stay updated with the latest research and evidence-based practices to provide cutting-edge treatments for your patients.
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Basic Implantalogy For Beginners

Discover the art of precision and excellence in dental implantology with our immersive Basic Implantology Workshop, meticulously crafted for aspiring professionals seeking to embark on a successful journey in implant dentistry. Unlock the secrets to seamless implant placement and holistic patient care through our meticulously curated curriculum, led by industry-leading experts, and enriched with the latest advancements and best practices in the field. Immerse yourself in an unparalleled learning experience that combines cutting-edge theoretical insights with hands-on practical training, fostering a dynamic environment where theoretical knowledge seamlessly integrates with real-world clinical applications. Navigate the intricacies of implant dentistry with finesse, as you master the essential techniques and procedures under the mentorship of seasoned practitioners, gaining invaluable insights into the nuances of treatment planning, surgical protocols, and post-operative care. Elevate your expertise in implantology through our immersive simulated surgical exercises, meticulously designed to instill confidence and proficiency in critical aspects such as incision techniques, bone augmentation, and advanced suturing methods. Engage in a transformative learning journey that prioritizes comprehensive patient assessment, effective communication strategies, and ethical considerations, equipping you with the skills and knowledge to provide superior patient-centric care in your professional practice. Join a vibrant community of like-minded peers and mentors, fostering a culture of collaborative learning and peer-to-peer knowledge sharing, empowering you to stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving landscape of implant dentistry. With our workshop, pave your way towards excellence in implantology, as you gain the necessary expertise and insights to make informed decisions, deliver exceptional treatment outcomes, and leave a lasting impact in the world of modern dentistry
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Immediate Functional Loading Implantology Extended Work Shop

1. No waiting for months2. Inferior alveolar nerve bypass3. Nasal spine engagement4. No sinus lift5. Total flapless6. Pterygoid implant 7. No bone grafting8. Zygomatic implant9. Flapless zygomas10. Prosthesis placement11. Single piece bendable implants12. Retrievability option with single piece multi-unit implants13. More than two if teachers coming to share their knowledge14. We will be placing more than 30 corticobasal implants (multiunit, koc, hc 2, bcs) hands-on with 3d model, you can take away 3d model along with two dummy implants
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